Green Coriander Masala

 Green Coriander Masala – Just Whizz up the following

A simple, tasty and versatile Green Coriander Masala Paste/Marinade.

Its so versatile – I use it when making the following

  • scramblizing eggs
  • in a pasta sauce
  • mixed with yoghurt for a simple tasty dip
  • in my SpicedUp Smashed Burgers to smother the Naan OR
  • to marinade your chicken prior to making your curry to give it a different twist!

The uses for this are endless

What you need

  •  a bunch of fresh coriander
  • 2-3 garlic cloves
  • Small knob of ginger (optional)
  • 1-2 green chillies
  • Few good of glugs of olive oil (Extra virgin if you have it)
  • juice from a lemon
  • 1-2 Tsps of Grd Coriander/Cumin
  • ½ – 1 tsp of turmeric
  • Good pinch of Salt & Pepper
  • ½ – 1 tsp of Garam Masala

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