Lamb Samosa’tillas

Lamb Samosa’tillas

This is another great easy and super tasty snack. Lamb Samosa wrapped using a tortilla! Samosa’tillas

Fresh ingredients and great for the kids too, just go easy on the chilli

Get Spiced Up and give it a go

The below recipe should make approx 10-12 Samosa’tillas depending on the size of your tortilla wraps


  • Minced Lamb (Approx 400g)
  • 1 x Onion diced
  • 1 cup of frozen Peas
  • 2-4 Cloves Garlic, Small knob of Ginger, 2-4 Green Chillis – Whizzed up into a paste
  • Good handful of fresh coriander – chopped finely
  • Lemon (use half to squeeze into your Lamb mince filling)



  • 1 x tsp Turmeric
  • 1-2 tsp – Ground coriander and Cumin
  • ½ tsp Garam Masala (we use Maniben’s Family Garam Masala)
  • Couple of pinches of Salt
  • Cumin Seeds


  • Pack of Tortilla Wraps
  • Flour & Water binding mix/paste


  1. Heat oil in your saucepan and add your whole cumin seeds. Add you diced onion and brown off for a couple of mins.
  2. Add your whizzed onion, garlic, ginger, chilli paste and cook for another couple of mins and then add you lamb mince and brown off for approx. 5 mins
  3. Add in the rest of your spices (except your Garam masala and chopped coriander)
  4. After 10 mins throw in your peas. Cook for a further 5-10mins your mixture should now haves no more liquid left. Add in your Garam masala and good squeeze of Lemon and add in your chopped coriander and give it a good mix. Leave to cool for 10-15mins before making your Samosa’tillas!
  5. Get your tortilla wrap and slice it in half, each half will make a samosa’tilla. Fold into your triangular Samosa shape and seal with your Flour/Water bind mixture (as per video)
  6. Each pocket you make can be loosely filled with approx. 3-4 tsps of your spiced lamb filling.
  7. Spray each one with oil and then air fry or 3-4 mins on each side @200 degrees (If deep frying in Oil only need 1-2 mins on each side in hot oil)
  8. Serve with Fresh Lemon and sauce of your choice. Goes great with tommy sauce or my Green coriander masala chutney

Serve with Sauce of your choice & Enjoy!


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