Green Eggs (No Ham!) Recipe

Green Eggs (No Ham!) Recipe

A simple, tasty, healthy and fun recipe with eggs, power food (Spinach) and an amazing fragrant green herby coriander masala. To make these Green Eggs (No Ham!)

Great for Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch or even dinner.


  • 3 Eggs (Whisked & ready to scramblize)
  • Glug of Olive Oil
  • 2 Large handfuls of Power Greens (Spinach) shredded / chopped

For Ultimate Green Fresh Herby Masala Paste

  • Bunch of fresh Green Herby Loveliness  –  Coriander
  • 3-4 Bulbs of Garlic
  • 2-3 Green Little fiery Fellas (Chillies)
  • 1 Tsp of Salt
  • 1 Tsp Garam Masala
  • 1 Tsp of Ground Coriander/Cumin
  • 1 Tsp of Magic Yellow Powder (Tumeric)
  • Few Glugs of Olive Oil

Instructions to Make the Your Ultimate Fresh Green Herby Masala Paste

  1. Wash and Chop up your bunch of Fresh Coriander (save some to garnish at the end). whizz up your green fiery fellas and garlic into a paste then add this to your Coriander and all the above spices and whizz into an amazing Green Masala paste
  2. Shred your Power greens (Spinach)
  3. Crack your Eggs and scramble (whisk up)
  4. Heat a glug of Olive Oil and add a couple of teaspoon size dollops of your Green herby masala paste to your heated oil. Cook on medium for a minute or so, throw in your power greens and cook until shrunk and wilted and mix with you other Spicy Greeness.
  5. Add your Secret ingredient – Large Knob of butter to make these green eggs rich and luscious (This is optional but highly recommended)
  6. Chuck in your eggs and scramblize
  7. Serve on hot buttered toast and sprinkle some chopped fresh coriander and Enjoy!

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